Sunday, March 18

Revised Header Artwork

I built this new artwork in Photoshop CS. Starting with a transparent background, I inserted and rotated the image of the quilt I used for the new color scheme. I then built a layer behind the quilt that included the following filter effects: Inner Shadow; Bevel & Emboss; Pattern Overlay-Woven. I then applied colors from my new scheme and finished by adding the text in two layers. First layer of text is the title (48 pt. JazzLET), and the second layer is the subtitle (24 pt. Kino MT).

I then saved one version of the file as a layered PhotoShop file in case I want to make future changes. Then, I "Saved to Web" in a .gif format. Problems occurred when attempting to upload using Safari. Switching over to Firefox, I didn't have any further issues. :-)


Matt Moorlag said...

Your typeface is great. I love how you created the stitch effect in it and its still very clear.

I had a similar issue with centering the banner within the background (still not completely worked out yet). The rounded corners make it difficult because you'll lose the right side if you increase the background width. You may end up going back into Photoshop to decrease the size by 50 points or so on the horizontal.

Very nice job.

A said...

Wow - you made a big change! So far I'm liking the quilt (good slant), the main title, etc. It looks like you may have a sizing issue with your wrapper. Have you played yet with that? Bravo. :)

Chad said...

I think it's great how you incorporate your quilt into your banner to tie (nyuk nyuk)everything together. I sew, but I have no patience for intricate quilting like that. I'm very impressed!

Lars said...

Wow, what a nice design, and how well the colors and textures go with your graphic. The subdued green and dark khaki looks great on the dark blue background. You did a great job!! ;-)

Boris said...

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have been experimenting with Photoshop a bit more using your instructions!