Friday, January 19

Fractured Squares

Visual Story: This is my handiwork. Color play in fabric. While breaking
up each square into 8 pieces from a construction perspective...
not all squares appear fully "fractured" into 8 separate pieces. Posted by Picasa


Leslie Wilkinson said...

Wow, A-M! Beautiful stuff! I love gorgeous textile work.

I think there's a permanent exhibit at Charlotte's Mint Museum of Craft + Design of some amazing quilts.

I think there was also a traveling exhibit of amazing quilts that came through town a while ago.

How long have you been quilting? Do you have other photos? Maybe it's time to learn slideshows already? :-)

A-M Miller said...

Thanks, lj!
I bet the traveling exhibit was the Gees Bend quilts.
Totally awesome!!! I just bought some of the collector stamps at the post office. Color-rific history in threads.

I've only been quilting for 5 years. In high school I took shop... yep, 1 pan of burned brownies and 1 finger run over by a Bernina and they were begging me to go play with power tools!

Hey, can you tell me more about slideshows? I really do have a fair number of photos that might be pretty cool displayed that way.

^:0) Cheesehead grin...

Leslie Wilkinson said...

Looks like Picassa has slideshow capabilities. I'm home on the mac so I can't play around on it just yet. Have to do that as a distraction from the work at work next week.